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Messages - ArtG

Pages: [1]
New User Please Read / Re: Welcome to guitarspace.createaforum.com
« on: January 12, 2020, 11:39:37 am »
Who's the polite dude/dudette?

The server owner...a bot most likely.

Jan 10, 2020.
Dear old PRS Forums members.

Hopefully this place will let us stay in touch until we find a permanent solution.
Please forgive the mess but this is an emergency and we are under construction.


Feb 24, 2020.
After one month we are quite well organized and still running :)
You are welcome to register and check us out.

Feb 27, 2020.
Now we have our own domain name registered and SSL secured.
We are officially guitarspace.site

May 10, 2020.
We're doing fine during the lockdown time.
Guitar players step inside!  :)

Pages: [1]

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